Boshamlan (Real State)

Techs: Next, TailwindCSS, Node, PostgreSQL

The Real Estate project is a dynamic and modern web application that leverages advanced technologies to deliver a seamless experience for users in the real estate industry. Built using Next.ts, TailwindCSS, Zustand, Node.ts, PostgreSQL, and a robust payment gateway, this project showcases cutting-edge development practices and offers a range of features to enhance the overall user experience.

One of the key highlights of this project is the comprehensive admin panel, which empowers administrators to efficiently manage the platform's various functionalities. From overseeing user accounts and company profiles to monitoring subscriptions and generating reports, the admin panel provides a centralized hub for streamlined operations.

To ensure secure access and transactions, the project incorporates a reliable OTP (One-Time Password) authentication system. This feature enhances the overall security of the platform and protects user data, offering peace of mind to both buyers and sellers.

The user-centric design extends to the inclusion of user accounts and company accounts. These personalized profiles allow individuals and organizations to showcase their listings, manage property information, and interact with potential buyers or lessees effectively.
